A Note On What Molly School Is . . . And Is Not
Molly sits between.
Obviously the world needs a church or everywhere and of everyone, a place into which any may enter hungry and naked to leave well fed and with a few changes of clothing under the arm.
And probably the world needs places to which the super-ambitious, super-talented, and super-driven can super-aspire, places to gather, learn, and plan to solve problems serious enough so as to render the need for the church of everyone, well, superfluous,
Though Molly welcomes all, and has world-changing ambitions, neither a kitchen for the neediest nor an Ivy League campus is our future.
People who feed the hungry do work nobler than ours. Those able to support the laboratories where a cure for the cancer that killed Molly might be discovered have our full support too.
But between those people who’ve found the spirit to sacrifice endlessly and those driven to master the universe should be a place that serves typical you or me who nevertheless suspects they might give more or do better, whatever those things mean, the soul of note whose singing days are still ahead.
As it happens, Molly sits in Amsterdam, between Africa and America, water and sky.
For more on the value of between, you might listen to this podcast. It rings strongly in our ears.