The River Front As Yuval Noah Harar and Jeremy Irons say, money is made up. We think it useful to think of money as water. Indeed, the kids say, I will “make it rain.” But they forget, in saying this, that actual rain does not just end up in your garden alone. …
“Cooling Up” Front Words decay, as you know. They lose meaning, get co-opted, or fall out of use entirely. But “cool” has been around for one hundred years and stood up pretty well, is still understood to mean “good, hip, youthful.” If it is cool it is something you want to share in.…
Global Village Front The global village is what is available to us if we use the internet for win-win, rather than self-lose connectivity, what we dial-up online to serve our offline existence.We think that means help from people we know who might wish to help you and offering help to people too, not through an algorithm, but through a conversation, as if you came into the public square and bumped into the local citizen who hangs out there just to make sure visitors are well met.…
Molly 2052 Front It is 2052 . . . It is 2052 and you are thirty-seven. You’ve had a sterling career, never quite begun one, or managed something between. Now you see that to compose music or apply paint or play in a room with kids is your true work.…