Entrepreneurs benefit from eco-system.

A clever idea, the capital you plan to scrape together, the hard-working team you all part of the deal, but you an environment in which ideas and money and people can grow and connect will help you understand and develop what you are doing.


For business, especially for creative entrepreneurs, Amsterdam is as good an eco-system as there is and Molly School a fine way to think about your

Small business and major firms packed into a small geographical space, into a multi-lingual, international city where a hundred languages get spoken but where everyone speaks English. Here your neighbour, like the person you meet in a cafe, could be from anywhere. It is a networkers dream.

And because everyone gets around by bike you can get where you need to go easily. Plan four meetings, each in a different part of town and the only hassle is a little more exercise than usual. (Tourists who come here rent bikes in droves.  In essence, they pay good money to join the daily commute because they can tell biking here is what it was when you were a kid: fun. As a metaphor for your work, it is hard to beat getting where you want to go while enjoying the ride.)

And it won’t just be the techies who cycle to your meetings.  It will be bankers and lawyers as well. Here the 1% cycles. The democracy of biking may not mean you can get a meeting with whomever you want whenever you want–capital still requires connections and pitches, power brokers like their power–but if nothing else everyone biking gives you the sense everyone is accessible. If you are gonna sell your thing you are gonna learn that openness and positive energy breed openness and positive energy and Amsterdam offers an example of that every day, from deep in the system.

If you have your finished product and just need a COO, Molly School may not be the program for your entrepreneurial dreams.  But if you are toying with a prototype, thinking about who your customers might be, need to gather lots of opinions and needs time to talk and craft, Molly works well.  Time to create in a place where creation is endemic, metaphors for new modes of doing everywhere.