As Yuval Noah Harar and Jeremy Irons say, money is made up.
We think it useful to think of money as water.
Indeed, the kids say, I will “make it rain.”
But they forget, in saying this, that actual rain does not just end up in your garden alone. If it did, you would drown.
Wall Street is drowning, is it not? Unmoored from the solid ground of common sense or everyday human connection while so many of its neighbors live in drought conditions?
Is not telling that in the real Amazon, it rains like crazy and it is the most fertile place on earth while in the Bezos Amazon, everyone is stressed out and all the money flows to him?
Like water in nature, money has to move through the system. It cannot sit in reservoirs and oceans.
Since it is not how much money you have but how much flows through you that matters, let’s imagine money as a river turning a wheel.
If there are lots of clouds, the wheel turns quickly. If not, it turns slowly. But either way, rather than grinding people down, Molly’s wheel of wages serves those in line.